03/08/2020 11:05

Caterpillar Energy Solutions' biogas generator sets support recycling management...

More than 2 megawatt (MW) of electrical power is produced by two MWM (Caterpillar brand) gas generator sets on Mallorca from treated biogas and are therefore essential components in the Mallorcan government’s fight against waste, which is now p...

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17/09/2018 10:13

LDPE PCR foamed film with post-consumption recycled materia

The efficient use of materials and its reintroduction in the consumption system as new resources through recycling are two of the main pillars of the Circular Economy paradigm. Based on these pillars Ecoembes and The Dow Chemical Company have develop...

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10/09/2018 10:27

Water2REturn (W2R) - REcovery and REcycling of nutrients TURNing wasteWATER into...

Water scarcity and resources recovery are global concerns. Sustainable solutions are needed to use water in the best possible way and to recover resources from going to waste. Slaughtering is a water-intensive industry, and the wastewater it generate...

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11/01/2018 09:23

Tejidos Royo - Fabrics with values

The main sustainability example of Tejidos Royo is Recycled Denim Process with Hilaturas Ferre. Tejidos Royo has products with sustainable fibers: Lyocell, Hemp, recycled cotton and polyester and works with new fiber generation Refibra based on cotto...

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20/12/2017 08:39

Santanderina's Tencel Recycling Initiative

SANTANDERINA R/TURN offers a new range of textile products with low environmental impact. These products are made of recycled and sustainable materials such as Refibra, recycled polyester, Seaqual, and organic cotton with production processes that e...

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13/12/2017 09:40

VILARRASA's recycled cotton yarn (ecru, bleached and coloured)

Vilarrasa uses pre-consumer textile waste coming from garment production and other spinning waste as the main raw material. That waste is sorted by its composition (cotton, cotton/polyester,…), its colour (ecru, bleached or coloured) and the type o...

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22/11/2017 09:46


Upcycling the Oceans project (UTO) by Ecoalf collects the trash that is destroying the oceans and turns it into top quality yarn to produce fabrics and products, thanks to the support of fishermen. As a result of this extraordinary project, Ecoalf ha...

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20/11/2017 09:38

OCCGuarantee® Project

The initiative tackles both sustainability and social aspects. The social projects launched in Brazil involve 150 family farmers producing Organic Cotton OCCGuarantee® which is then spun in Catalonia and weaved in Portugal. The final garments are co...

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30/10/2017 09:28

AGROAMB PRODALT's Fertilizers based in organic waste

We develop organic and waste-based fertilisers (from waste to resources as fertilisers or amendments). We treat organic waste and animal-by-products with lime to sanitized and made organic amendments or fertilisers.This is an alternative treatment to...

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18/10/2017 09:30

Recover Upcycled Yarn System

Recover turns textile waste into new yarns for multiple life-cycles and produces the lowest impact textiles for apparel, accessory and home textile markets. The core added value is the offer of recycled cotton – the key ingredient of all company’...

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19/09/2017 13:27

EDAFOTEC's New soils from residues

Our target is focused in the production of soils from organic and inorganic residues, to be used in soil and water decontamination. The idea is based in how natural soils works: filtering, adsorbing and absorbing substances, to produce plants and oth...

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18/09/2017 09:00

ACCIONA's procurement of materials, waste disposal and earthworks

Implementation of environmental measures related to avoiding waste disposal and minimising natural resource consumption through recycling and reusing excavation materials or debris. In particular:Recycling and reusing excavation materials: Reusing ...

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31/07/2017 08:11

ACCIONA’s approach to waste and debris management

The trees, shrubs and grass maintenance and conservation tasks generate wood waste such as trunks, branches, leaves and mowing remains. The goal of this initiative is to reuse, recover and vaporisation the maximum volume of plant debris and reduce th...

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26/07/2017 09:29

Ferrovial's Circular Solution: Carbon production from Organic Greenhouse Waste (...

Production of charcoal from greenhouse vegetable waste, thus avoiding the treatment of OGW as waste. The solution focuses on the use of the material as a raw material, suitable for the production of a solid biofuel. All this, aligned with the princip...

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17/07/2017 09:25

Enel Group’s sustainable dismantling and demolition approach for FOIX power pl...

FOIX was a Thermal Power Plant consisting of 1×520 MW unit, operating until 2010. In 2015, the Spanish Government authorized its closure and ordered the dismantling and demolition of the plant. This process, where the value of materials and resource...

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05/07/2017 14:41

SAICA-Auchan’s reuse of cardboard, polyethylene and inert waste

For many years, Saica and Auchan have worked together on an innovative co-working project that has allowed the reintroduction of recycled materials that until now were sent to landfills. The key to success has been to achieve a better segregation in ...

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22/06/2017 08:23

Telefonica's eco rating for mobile devices

Eco Rating is a “label” that assesses the environmental impact of the whole life cycle (process of production, use and disposal) of mobile devices. The Eco-rating system promotes responsible consumption by providing information to customers about...

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12/04/2017 12:33

SAICA Natur’s retailers post-consumer plastic waste recycling for new packagin...

Saica company collects plastic waste of retail companies and recycles it into plastic pellets. Saica delivers the re-granulate plastic to the film, packaging, bags suppliers of the original retailer. This way the circle is closed and the retailer get...

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12/04/2017 12:15

CEMA's co-processing to turn cement waste into a resource

Turning waste into a resource is one key to a circular economy. The cement industry clearly applies this principle throughout their life cycle. The cement industry is able to use different type of waste (used tyres, sewage sludge, Refuse Derived Fuel...

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11/04/2017 12:47

Strategic Minerals' Recycling of Abandoned Mining Waste

The Penouta Mine Project (Viana do Bolo, Orense, Spain) of Strategic Minerals Spain company expects to be a reference for sustainable mining, in which abandoned waste is valued and generates economic, environmental and social benefits under the frame...

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11/04/2017 12:40

Revertia's Reuse Program of Obsolete Computer Equipment

Revertia is a Spanish company founded in 2010. Its primary purpose is to provide services in the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and contribute to the efficient use of resources. The start of Revertia is linked to the i...

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11/04/2017 12:24

Sidenor´s Zero Refractory Wastes Strategy

The aim of the developed project was focused on the integrated and systematic management of all the refractory waste products that are generated at Sidenor Basauri Plant. Before the project was set up, only a fraction of this waste was recycled (appr...

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